
Weinergate just the Beginning

   Odell, NE: The scandal involving Rep. Anthony Weiner and several women via Internet and Twitter is all the rage for the mainstream media at the moment. The GOP is calling for his resignation, while Pelosi and co. are starting the investigation process. Here at NSN, we find this hilarious and ironic. Is it really a surprise that someone named Weiner would send a woman a pic of his, well, wiener? If you are even slightly creative, picture this: imagine the second after he sent that photo. Wait, did I just send that to over 40,000 people? Oh, man, to be a fly on the wall in that room! Too funny!
     Rep. Weiner should probably do the right thing and resign. Lying to the public is nothing new for politicians, but when you're caught, you're caught. This will follow him indefinitely. At least if he resigns, he can sway the spotlight away from him somewhat. Good leaders know when to lead; great leaders know when to follow. Right now, Weiner is doing neither. We wonder what his wife thinks of all this. How do you continue a marital relationship with someone you know likes to meet people online? He is vigilant in stating that he had no intentions of ever meeting these women in person, but isn't his credibility shot?
     Countless jokes and shtick have appeared almost everywhere, from late night talk shows to casual water-cooler chit-chat. We're just not that surprised that someone named Weiner would snap a pic of his junk and send it to people. Our attention is focused on some other congressional members with weird names and the possible scandals to arise in due time. We've listed a few here, and if we missed someone, send us an email.

  Phillip Chode(D) Minnesota:  Someone will have to help him take a quality picture here, but stay tuned. We give this one a year or less to materialize. The best thing to come out of this will be "chode" entering the dictionary with the appropriate definition.

  Richard "Dick" Rammin(I) Texas:  Rammin is no stranger to scandals. He somehow survived a vicious scandal in high school, where he was rumored to have sodomized the school mascot at New Braunfels High School. One thing is clear; he likes sodomy and/or he likes unicorns. You make the call.

  Rick Santorum(R) California:  We don't even feel the need to speculate here. If you're not familiar with what the word santorum means, we suggest a quick google search(NSFW).




Sound Heard at Night Ends Up Being Nothing

   Grayson, CT: Erma Jo Linden was frightened last night about 10PM as she swore she heard something stirring in the backyard of her family's backyard. After repeated jabs to side, her husband rose out of the bed and went to investigate. Armed with a fully loaded AR-15, some suntan lotion, and a pack of graham crackers, Jeb Linden descended the staircase slowly in anticipation of seeing something. After an exhaustive search, Jeb found nothing. Knowing how paranoid his wife is, he unloaded the clip of the AR on an unsuspecting garden gnome. He then retired to the bedroom and described an intense stand-off between himself and a rag-tag gang of raccoons hellbent on world domination one garden at a time. Satisfied, Erma Jo dozed off to sleep and all was still at the Linden house, until of course the local sheriff arrived at the scene around 4:30AM investigating the shots fired. Jeb was taken into custody and threatened his wife by saying there would be "hell to pay" if she didn't bail him out and serve him a wonderful breakfast.