Hastings, NE- Tragedy struck the Phaggett household early Saturday morning when Bubba Joe Phaggett, pictured below, was stabbed in the eye from an errant lawn dart thrown by his nephew, Bart Phaggett. Ordered to play outside by Mrs. Ima Phaggett, Bubba and Bart decided to play a version of "Chicken" with the lawn darts. The objective of the game was to stand still about 30 ft away from the opposing player as that player hurls the dart at the other player. Points are earned by not flinching and bonus points are awarded for not moving when struck by the dart. Late in the seventh round, things were looking good for Bubba, who had amassed a 175 point lead over Bart. Sensing the upcoming loss and the gloom that comes with it, young Bart decided to give it his all and aimed for an upper-body shot on Bubba. The trajectory of the throw was impressive- a beautiful spiral destined for glory! Bubba stood stoic, confident that Bart's throw was going to sail over his head. Unfortunately, the dart struck the pupil of Bubba's right eye and burrowed into his eye socket. Bubba fell to the ground screaming, garnering the attention of Ima who immediately called for an ambulance. Meanwhile, Bart was still celebrating the come from behind victory by dancing and screaming with glee. Ima yelled for him to come over to her, where she chastised him for his deed and informed him that he was to spend the rest of the day locked in the storm shelter. It was at that moment that Bart realized his fun was over.
Bubba Joe, seen after the accident. |
Bubba Joe must leave one hell a shart stain on that chair!!!!!